The significance of sharing your memories

The significance of sharing your memories

The gentle comfort of memories

“Memory is the invisible presence.” - Victor Hugo

Have you ever found comfort in memories that suddenly resurfaced? That time you accidentally got your hands on a drawing of your grown-up child, a recipe from your mother with her unique handwriting or a photo of your grandchild on the day of his birth.

If you ever were so lucky, these tangible memories have undoubtedly filled you with the invisible presence of your loved one. Perhaps you smiled to yourself or shared your discovery, or perhaps this moment was soothing for you.

When we travel down memory lane, the full range of emotions can be found. May they be difficult or not, they are part of the journey. 

The fleetingness of memories

How do I keep memories alive?

Over time, it is not uncommon for memories to somewhat fade away. A tangible souvenir allows us to validate details, relive moments and to remind us of the precious bond we shared with a person.

Nowadays, many of our memories reside in our phones and computers where they may not always be easily accessible and, above all, are exposed to the precariousness of technology.

That's why we believe that the creation of keepsakes will keep memories alive and, above all, make it easier to pass them on from one generation to the next.

“There is nothing livelier than memories.”
- Federico Garcia Lorca

The benefits of keepsakes

The importance of memories when someone passes away.

We have already mentioned the comfort that fond memories can bring us. We can only imagine that this comfort is all the more precious when it comes to remembering a person who has passed away. Although a memory can cause sadness, allowing oneself to experience these difficult emotions can be helpful to the bereaved. 

Josée Masson, Founder, President and CEO of Deuil-Jeunesse shares with us the benefits of keepsakes, which can help us mourn by bringing comfort in the absence of a deceased loved one:

They give meaning to absence :
Keepsakes can help assimilate the loss and absence of a loved one.

They help us express emotions: :​
Keepsakes can evoke all sorts of emotions. All of them are valid and must be expressed, otherwise they stay with us and leave a mark.

They become transition objects: ​
Keepsakes can become transition objects upon the death of a loved one. The bereaved can use it or not, and has the power to decide the relationship they want to have with it.

Keep in mind that keepsakes can be a source of great comfort, both when you create and receive them. Everyone is free to give them the meaning they want.

Every keepsake has its story.