Pay tribute to a deceased loved one

Photo tributes for the funeral
In the time following the announcement of a death, when preparing the funeral, it is not uncommon for photos to be shared between those affected by the loss of a loved one.
A funeral is an event where we allow an important place for photos to pay tribute to a loved one. The use of images in a funeral tribute allows us to fulfill our need to remember the person, and more importantly, to "see" them again.
Photo tributes shared at the funeral are a source of many conversations between the bereaved and are sometimes source of laughter. Everyone sees the same photo, but everyone shares how they were touched differently by what it means to them.
For those who knew the deceased well, a photo tribute allows them to smile at the memories; and for those who knew them less, this funeral tribute allows to discover them more fully; a tribute leaves no one indifferent.
Tribute in photos for life
Bereaved families take time to gather photos of moments that have marked the life of their loved one, to create a tribute for the funeral. Photographs have been lovingly selected to remember and make us feel better. These same photos transferred onto mementos will help bring comfort in everyday life.
Many of today's memories are stored in our electronic devices. Using these photos on a memento allows us to bring all our loved one's precious memories to life in a tangible item, closer to our hearts than in a digital cloud.
Whether the memento is a photo frame arranged near a place of remembrance, an apron with a phrase that mom always said, a picture with a word that represents her, a mug that warms our heart by its content, but especially by the image of the memory that was placed on it, all these mementos will be accessible and within reach when we wish to remember.
Sharing a tribute in photos
We realize that, in most families, memories are in the hands of one member. The creation of mementos allows us to pay tribute and above all, to share precious moments so that many people may cherish them.
There will be times when the absence of a loved one will be felt more strongly. Think of the family traditions that will be continued but lived in a different manner. Significant moments can sometimes bring back memories of a loved one.
Preparing mementos to give at important occasions for you and your family can be a source of comfort in the moment, and a precious memory to cherish for you and the generations that follow.